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전체 행사

SNU 캘린더 /

전체 행사

[인류학과 4단계 BK21교육연구단] 해외전문가초청강연: Erik Harms 교수 (미국 Yale University)


○ 주제: Speculation speculation: Everyday views of Property Investors, Urban Planning, and Developers in Ho Chi Minh City

일시: 2021년 11월 23일 (화) 12:00-13:30

○ 강연자: Erik Harms 교수 (미국 Yale University 교수)

장소: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/3395374845 (Zoom ID: 339 537 4845)

주최: 서울대 인류학교 4단계 BK21교육연구단 / 서울대학교 비교문화연구소 / 서울대학교 인류학과

○ 문의: anthrobk21plus@snu.ac.kr

강의 개요: Speculation speculation refers to the way city dwellers regularly and pervasively speculate about the activities of real estate speculators. Building from several cases in urban Vietnam, this article argues that speculation speculation produces two contradictory effects. On the one hand, it offers a continuous and ongoing critique of real estate speculation. On the other hand, the speculative nature of these critiques inadvertently normalizes the practice of real estate speculation (which itself becomes understood as something continuous and ongoing). While speculation speculation plays something of a watchdog role, it also perpetuates the notion that speculative activity is an unavoidable fact of life in urban development.