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[중국연구소] 해외 석학 초청 강연 〈Mining for Tourists in China〉 안내



서울대학교 중국연구소입니다

저희 중국연구소는 서울대학교 인류학과 BK 사업단과 함께 The University of Gothenburg, School of Global Studies의 Maris Gillette 교수님을 모시고 < Mining for Tourists in China >라는 제목의 강연을 개최합니다.

Mining for Tourists in China:

A Digital Ethnography of User-Generated Content about China's National Mine Parks

일시: 2022년 5월 3일 (화) 17:00-18:30

참가 링크:  https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/94897307656 (회의 ID: 948 9730 7656)

문의: ichina@snu.ac.kr

*본 강연은 영어로 진행됩니다.

강의 개요: 

Between 2005 and 2021, the Ministry of Land Resources of the People’s Republic of China operated a program to turn 88 former state-sector coal, oil shale, and mineral mines into national mine parks. By transforming deindustrialised mines into heritage sites, central government and local officials hoped to reroute some of China’s annual domestic tourist arrivals and tourism revenue into communities suffering from the economic recession since the Chinese Communist Party’s decision to marketise its state and collective industries; it entailed combining mining areas’ historical, technical, social, and scientific value with tourist amenities to produce natural and cultural heritage attractions. In this article, I employ a digital ethnography of user-generated content (UGC) from social media to investigate how Chinese tourists experience and make meaning at China’s national mine parks. UGC has become a key source of data about tourism through quantitative big data” studies that use computer algorithms to “mine” sources such as Trip Advisor, Flickr, and Instagram. This digital ethnography of UGC on the Chinese travel review site Trip.com builds on and extends the research by adopting a qualitative and immersive method to approach visitor comments, ratings, and images about Chinese mine parks as integrated encapsulations of what Chinese tourists experience and find meaningful about these heritage sites.