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서울대 소식 / SNU 캘린더

전체 행사

SNU 캘린더 /

전체 행사

[중국연구소] 해외 석학 초청 강연 안내


서울대학교 중국연구소는 서울대학교 인류학과 BK 사업단과 함께 Amherst College의 Vanessa Fong 교수님 모시고 

< Why Chinese Only-Children Delay Having Children? >이라는 제목의 강연을 개최합니다

많은 참여 바랍니다. 

Why Chinese Only-Children Delay Having Children?

일시: 2022년 10월 11일 (화) 18:00-19:30

참가 링크:  https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/97308710258

문의: ichina@snu.ac.kr

*본 강연은 영어로 진행됩니다.

강의 개요: 

Based on interviews, surveys, and participant observation conducted as part of a longitudinal study of Chinese singletons conducted between 1998 and 2022, this talk examines how the high parental investment, high educational attainment, high career ambitions, and egalitarian gender roles experienced by a cohort born under China’s one-child policy have led most members of this cohort to not have a child by age 28, despite policies that now allow them to have up to three children, and the widespread desire to have two children that most of them expressed during their twenties, and the fact that most of them were born to working-class parents who were under age 28 or younger when they had their first children. 

서울대학교 중국연구소

The Institute for China Studies, Seoul National University

Address: (08826) 서울시 관악구 관악로 1 서울대학교 101동 아시아연구소 510호

E-mail: ichina@snu.ac.kr

Tel: 02-880-9192