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[BK 국제학술 세미나]Secondary data analysis: An exploration of its role in research


2023 BK21 FOUR 혁신과 공존의 교육연구사업단에서 BK 국제 학술대회 세미나를 개최합니다.

일시: 2023. 5.31 (수) 오전 10시
장소: 사범대학 9동 109호

이번 세미나에서는 플로리다 대학의 Anna Q. Zhou 교수님을 모시고 이차 자료 분석에 대한 이야기를 듣고자 합니다.

강의 내용과 Dr. Zhou의 약력은 다음을 참고해주시기 바라고, 기존 세미나와 달리 대면으로 실시되오니 관심있는 분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.


Title: Secondary data analysis: An exploration of its role in research

Abstract :

The advancement of technology has spurred on the development of new and novel methodology to explore research questions, and one such area that has benefited is in increased data options. Traditionally, researchers were limited to primary data collection methods where researchers would need to develop a new study and collect data for each new research question. However, with technological advances in data sharing, compiling, and storage as well as the push towards open science, more and more data are now available for the scientific community to access. In the present, there are numerous sources for secondary data on a vast array of topics and from diverse populations. We will discuss the differences between primary and secondary data, when it might be beneficial to consider using secondary data, the ethical concerns involved with secondary data, and ways to access secondary data. The discussion will be supplemented with research examples.

Bio :

Dr. Zhou is an assistant professor in the Counseling Psychology Program, Department of Psychology at University of Florida. She graduated from University of Minnesota with Ph.D. majoring in Counseling Psychology. Her research interest is primarily in health disparities, with a focus on the how different determinants impact mental health outcomes. She is particularly interested in better understanding people’s behaviors related to mental health treatment seeking, specifically why individuals in need of treatment do not seek out services.