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서울대 소식 / SNU 캘린더

전체 행사

SNU 캘린더 /

전체 행사

[철학사상연구소] 제241회 콜로퀴엄 (Kacper Kowalczyk)


철학사상연구소 제241회 콜로퀴엄 (Kacper Kowalczyk)

안녕하십니까. 서울대학교 철학사상연구소에서 주관하는 제241회 콜로퀴엄 행사를 안내드립니다.
이번 콜로퀴엄은 University College London의 Kacper Kowalxcyk 교수를 초청해 진행하고자 하오니,
관심 있는 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.

- 일 시: 2024. 4. 1. (월) 오후 4:00-6:00
- 장 소: 인문대학 6동403호(철학사상연구소)
- 강연자: Kacper Kowalczyk (University College London)
- 제 목: Risk, Ordinary and Existential

Some have argued that, because humanity’s future potential is so great, we should focus on reducing the risk of human extinction. Others have responded that, because caution is warranted when taking risks that affect other people, we should focus on avoiding catastrophe; this might include working to hasten human extinction, thus precluding any future catastrophes. This talk, based on joint work with Nikhil Venkatesh, will describe new theoretical and practical problems for this response, concluding that the reports of a philosophical case for humanity’s demise have been greatly exaggerated.

강연자 소개:
Kacper Kowalczyk is an Associate Lecturer in Philosophy at University College London. He joined UCL in 2020 as a Teaching Fellow. Between 2021 and 2023, Kacper was a Research Fellow supported by a grant from Longview Philanthropy. He received a DPhil from Oxford in 2021, a BPhil from Oxford in 2016, and a BA from Cambridge in 2014. He works on population ethics, personal identity, equality, aggregation, risk, and decision theory.